Networking Fun

I just poured myself a tall glass of milk and added some Strawberry Quik. Terrible, I know, but sooo good. Mmmm. I keep stirring it to get all the goodness up to the top as is settles a bit.

Awesome things that are happening around the growth of my photography business. Watching the sun go down outside my bedroom window, I just took a picture of it and am including it here for your enjoyment.

Today's blog is about an experience I had at the Dwell on Design Conference in San Francisco last Sunday. As I passed by Concrete Works , I noticed their striking cement pieces and the large format photographs up on the display wall. Something prompted me to ask an important-looking guy about their photography. He winced and said it's an area in which they are lacking. I made the connection and look forward to sharing some of that work with you in the near future.

Then I went outside to catch up with my friend Adam Wise, and he's talking to the owner of the Evergreen Lodge in Yosemite . It's a secret that now appears to be out of the bag: the place was booked solid all summer. Turns out he used to lead backpacking trips and still does on occasion, so I told him to contact me if he ever wants to do a backpack photography workshop. He responded by asking me if I'd like to lead workshops at the lodge!

Then I went over to the Picture Wall booth and met the owner, Erik. I inquired about getting into his image bank, and he said "Maybe in 6 months, but what kind of work do you do?" I pulled out my iphone and showed him some examples of my work. As he slid through the images, he asked, “Do you know Deborah Ayerst ?” When I said No, he said, “You should.” Turns out she's an artist rep located in San Francisco.

Once I connect with her, that will be an awesome 4 contacts in just 1 hour. Not bad for a Sunday afternoon stroll.

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